Welcome to SkyEye, your guide to this month's celestial events. All times and dates are given in Universal Time (UT). Nightly darkness estimates are calculated for Greenwich, London (51.5° N, 0° W).

Calendar of Events - April 2005

Date Event
1 Fri
2 Sat Last Quarter Moon
3 Sun Jupiter at opposition
Comet C/2003 T4 LINEAR at perihelion: This comet may reach naked-eye visibility as it moves from the constellation Aquarius to the constellation Sculptor. Discovered on 13 October 2003, this object has an eccentricity of 1.0 and an inclination of nearly 90°.
4 Mon Moon at perigee
5 Tue
6 Wed
7 Thu
8 Fri New Moon
Annular-total eclipse of the Sun
9 Sat Moon occults Venus during daytime hours.
10 Sun Saturn at eastern quadrature
11 Mon
12 Tue
13 Wed
14 Thu
15 Fri
16 Sat First Quarter Moon at apogee
17 Sun
18 Mon
19 Tue
20 Wed
21 Thu
22 Fri This year's appearance of the Lyrids meteor shower is spoiled by bright skies.
Moon occults Jupiter as seen from southern Africa and Madagascar. The occulation begins at about 1700 UT.
23 Sat The Pi-Puppids is similarly washed out by the glare of the nearly full Moon
24 Sun Penumbral eclipse of the Moon
Full Moon
25 Mon
26 Tue Mercury at greatest elongation west
Moon occults the first-magnitude star Antares as seen from northern Africa, the Middle East and India. The occultation begins at about 2300 UT.
27 Wed
28 Thu
29 Fri Moon at perigee
30 Sat

The Solar System

The word planet is derived from the Greek word for "wanderer." Unlike the background stars, planets seem to move around the sky, keeping mostly to a narrow track called the ecliptic, the path of the Sun across the stars.

Location: Pisces -> Aries
Location: Pisces -> Cetus -> Pisces
This morning sky object is best viewed in the southern hemisphere where it rises high in the east before sunrise. Northern observers have a poor view of this elusive planet this month.
Location: Pisces -> Aries
The "evening star" is climbing slowly in the western sky after sunset but remains stubbornly close to the horizon for all terrestrial observers.
Location: Capricornus -> Aquarius
The red planet rises two to three hours after midnight.
Location: Virgo
The largest planet in the solar system is at opposition this month and thus is on view throughout the night. Observers in southern Africa and Madagascar have a chance to see it disappear behind the disc of the Moon on 22 April. The event begins at around 1700 UT.
Location: Gemini
With eastern quadrature occurring on 10 April, this is a great time to observe the interesting interplay of light and shadows on the planet's disc, rings and satellites. Saturn does not set until after midnight so it is well-placed for seeing as darkness falls.
Location: Aquarius
Uranus rises about an hour after the planet Mars but is difficult to see with the naked eye.
Location: Capricornus
This distant gas giant rises about the same time as Mars but is much fainter. You will need a small telescope to spot it.
Location: Serpens (Cauda)
With a brightness of around fourteenth magnitude, the smallest planet in the solar system can be seen only through a good-sized telescope. Pluto rises just before midnight.

The Celestial Sphere

Constellations are patterns of stars in the sky. The International Astronomical Union (IAU) recognises 88 different constellations. The brightest stars as seen from the Earth are easy to spot but do you know their proper names? With a set of binoculars you can look for fainter objects such as nebulae and galaxies or some of the closest stars to the Sun.

Descriptions of the sky for observers in both the northern and southern hemispheres are available for the following times this month. Subtract one hour from your local time if summer (daylight savings) time is in effect.

Local Time Northern Hemisphere Southern Hemisphere
1730 hours (1830 hours summer time) 45° N 30° S
1930 hours (2030 hours summer time) 45° N 30° S
2130 hours (2230 hours summer time) 45° N 30° S
2330 hours (0030 hours summer time) 45° N 30° S
0130 hours (0230 hours summer time) 45° N 30° S
0330 hours (0430 hours summer time) 45° N 30° S
0530 hours (0630 hours summer time) 45° N 30° S

For More Information...


Much of this information can be found in this month's issue of your favourite amateur astronomy magazine available in your local bookshop. Another excellent source is the current edition of the Astronomical Calendar by Guy Ottewell and published by the Universal Workshop at Furman University.

The image of the Sun in the SkyEye banner is courtesy of the SOHO/EIT consortium. The composite image from May 1998 combines EIT images from three wavelengths (171Å, 195Å and 284Å) into one that reveals solar features unique to each wavelength. SOHO is a project of international cooperation between ESA and NASA.

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