Below are listed a selection of events for the Earth (aphelion/perihelion, equinoxes/solstices, eclipses) and the Moon (apogee/perigee, phases, nodes, occultations). The lunation number refers to the Brown Lunation Number which is numbered from the first New Moon in 1923.
03 January | Earth | perihelion |
05 January | Moon | occultation of Saturn |
06 January | Earth/Moon | partial solar eclipse (begins previous day) |
Moon | new: lunation 1188 | |
07 January | Moon | descending node |
09 January | Moon | apogee |
14 January | Moon | first quarter |
20 January | Moon | ascending node |
21 January | Earth/Moon | total lunar eclipse |
Moon | full | |
Moon | perigee | |
27 January | Moon | last quarter |
31 January | Moon | occultation of Venus |
02 February | Moon | occultation of Saturn |
03 February | Moon | descending node |
04 February | Moon | new: lunation 1189 |
05 February | Moon | farthest apogee of the year |
Moon | occultation of Mercury | |
12 February | Moon | first quarter |
17 February | Moon | ascending node |
19 February | Moon | closest perigee of the year |
Moon | full: Super Moon | |
26 February | Moon | last quarter |
01 March | Moon | occultation of Saturn |
02 March | Moon | descending node |
04 March | Moon | apogee |
06 March | Moon | new: lunation 1190 |
14 March | Moon | first quarter |
16 March | Moon | ascending node |
19 March | Moon | perigee |
20 March | Earth | equinox |
21 March | Moon | full |
28 March | Moon | last quarter |
29 March | Moon | occultation of Saturn |
Moon | descending node | |
01 April | Moon | apogee |
05 April | Moon | new: lunation 1191 |
12 April | Moon | ascending node |
Moon | first quarter | |
16 April | Moon | perigee |
19 April | Moon | full |
25 April | Moon | occultation of Saturn |
Moon | descending node | |
26 April | Moon | last quarter |
28 April | Moon | apogee |
04 May | Moon | new: lunation 1192 |
09 May | Moon | ascending node |
11 May | Moon | occultation of the open star cluster M44 (known as Praesepe or the Beehive Cluster) |
12 May | Moon | first quarter |
13 May | Moon | perigee |
18 May | Moon | full: seasonal Blue Moon |
22 May | Moon | descending node |
Moon | occultation of Saturn | |
26 May | Moon | apogee |
Moon | last quarter | |
03 June | Moon | new: lunation 1193 |
05 June | Moon | ascending node |
07 June | Moon | perigee |
10 June | Moon | first quarter |
17 June | Moon | full |
19 June | Moon | descending node |
Moon | occultation of Saturn | |
21 June | Earth | solstice |
23 June | Moon | apogee |
25 June | Moon | last quarter |
02 July | Earth/Moon | total solar eclipse |
Moon | new: lunation 1194 | |
03 July | Moon | ascending node |
04 July | Moon | occultation of Mars |
Earth | aphelion | |
05 July | Moon | perigee |
09 July | Moon | first quarter |
16 July | Moon | occultation of Saturn |
Moon | descending node | |
Earth/Moon | partial lunar eclipse | |
Moon | full | |
21 July | Moon | apogee |
25 July | Moon | last quarter |
30 July | Moon | ascending node |
31 July | Moon | occultation of Venus |
01 August | Moon | new: lunation 1195 |
02 August | Moon | perigee |
07 August | Moon | first quarter |
12 August | Moon | occultation of Saturn |
Moon | descending node | |
15 August | Moon | full |
17 August | Moon | apogee |
23 August | Moon | last quarter |
27 August | Moon | ascending node |
30 August | Moon | new: lunation 1196, Black Moon |
Moon | perigee | |
06 September | Moon | first quarter |
08 September | Moon | occultation of Saturn |
Moon | descending node | |
13 September | Moon | apogee |
14 September | Moon | full: Harvest Moon, Micro Moon |
22 September | Moon | last quarter |
23 September | Moon | ascending node |
Earth | equinox | |
28 September | Moon | new: lunation 1197 |
28 September | Moon | perigee |
05 October | Moon | first quarter |
Moon | descending node | |
Moon | occultation of Saturn | |
10 October | Moon | apogee |
13 October | Moon | full: Hunter's Moon |
20 October | Moon | ascending node |
21 October | Moon | last quarter |
26 October | Moon | perigee |
28 October | Moon | new: lunation 1198 |
01 November | Moon | descending node |
02 November | Moon | occultation of Saturn |
04 November | Moon | first quarter |
07 November | Moon | apogee |
12 November | Moon | full |
16 November | Moon | ascending node |
19 November | Moon | last quarter |
23 November | Moon | perigee |
26 November | Moon | new: lunation 1199 |
28 November | Moon | occultation of Jupiter |
29 November | Moon | descending node |
Moon | occultation of Saturn | |
04 December | Moon | first quarter |
05 December | Moon | apogee |
12 December | Moon | full |
13 December | Moon | ascending node |
18 December | Moon | perigee |
19 December | Moon | last quarter |
22 December | Earth | solstice |
26 December | Earth/Moon | annular solar eclipse |
Moon | new: lunation 1200 | |
Moon | occultation of Jupiter | |
Moon | descending node | |
29 December | Moon | occultation of Venus |
The dates, times and circumstances of all planetary and lunar phenomena were calculated from the JPL DE406 solar system ephemeris using the same rigorous methods that are employed in the compilation of publications such as The Astronomical Almanac.